Examine Career Options While At School | Universe Sansthan

Best CBSE School in Rajasthan: School students have a profusion of opportunities ahead of them. From pure sciences to engineering, accounting to financial planning, fine arts, liberal arts, performing arts….it is all out there with umpteen ways to examine and discover along the way. 21st-century career options are driven by skills and talents rather than having secured job opportunities. Young children have a wide exposure to the world around them, thanks to advancements in technology, traveling to new destinations, and the transformation of the global trade and economy. This disclosure, no doubt comes with its own set of pros and cons. Young minds are hounded with ways like never before, bringing along a tad bit of confusion and also an ounce of risk-taking attitude. Peer and family pressure continue to be an important factor in choosing career options though there is a wind of change blowing.

CBSE School in Rajasthan | Examine Career Options While At School

Research shows new-age career navigations are based on qualification, and skill, individual strengths, and goal-setting skills. The skill sets not related to core academics alone but encompasses the broader aspects of soft skills, values, time management, and social responsibility. To equip young learners to gain a firm ground and stay focused along the way, the Best CBSE School in Rajasthan is UNIVERSE PUBLIC SCHOOL, through its Vocational Development sessions paves the option to help them make an informed selection. We work towards helping learners examine their potential in various fields like sports, arts, and academics through various structured activities where the focus is on skills and talents. polishing and Strengthening the skills rather than rubbing on the weaknesses is the mantra at school.

As learners go about their day with the scholastic subjects, co scholastics are not side-tracked to be an extracurricular movement. Learners have a theory session along with their practical session during their performing art and visual art classes. They are assessed on the theory and practical conditions of their learning which gives them a holistic understanding of the subject. They understand the rules of the game and the need for healthy nutrition, rules, and the rigor and regime along with the discipline required to pursue a sport

Top CBSE School in Jaipur, Rajasthan: The language classes at school focus not only on their listening, reading, writing, speaking, and comprehension skills but also on their stage presentations, dramatization, and oratory skills. Exposure to these skills opens up the world of Drama and theatre as a career way as they grow up. Giving learners a lucky chance to learn Indian and foreign languages at a young age opens up the world of linguistics as a career option. Engaging in the library and literary activities open up the world of blogging, report writing, and journalism at school. A dedicated student blog section on our website objectives to encourage and motivate their talents and skills, giving them a sense of achievement to see their work published. Through collecting, experimenting, organizing, project work, and interpreting data in their science, math, and social science sessions they are honing their research and analytical skills and logical thinking skills.

With Best CBSE School in Rajasthan, UNIVERSE PUBLIC SCHOOL is allowed children to live and believe the adage the world is at your fingertips if you have the right skill sets. We let them examine their career options at school.

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