Student Details
    1. School
    2. Class
    3. First Name
    4. Last Name
    5. Siblings (Only Real brothers / Sisters)
    6. Child with special needs YesNo
    7. Date of birth(dd/mm/yyyy)
    8. Is this your first born child YesNo
    9. Nationality
    10. Gender MaleFemale
    11. Category SCSTGEN
    12. Religion
    13. Have you applied for a twin child YesNo

    Use paragraphs for text that is not a form field.

    Residential Address
    1. Address Line 1
    2. Address Line 2
    3. City
    4. State
    5. Pin
    6. Phone
    7. Mobile
    8. Email
    9. Distance from the school to your residence
    10. Have you recently shifted to Jaipur ?YesNo
    11. Are you single parent
    12. Whether school transport required
    13. Are you in a position to provide safe transportation to the child to and from YesNo
    14. Name of previous school / pre-school / Nursury / Cre'che