Introduction And History

Established in the year 1995, with a mission to provide enriched and quality education to children especially in an area dominated by Rajputs, who still observed purdha system.

The greatest hallmark of the school is in fact that on a much door-to-door canvassing it started with just 5 students and presently the management has three schools and one girls’ college under its umbrella, well encapsulated in its motto “Scaling new Heights”.

UNIVERSE PUBLIC SCHOOL is a premier world-class school, located in a serene and sprawling campus located in three beautiful and accessible locations of Jaipur.

U.P.S. has three branches having campus buildings, which stand tall and magnificent in its majestic splendor, not just in physical terms, but also its undeniable formidable reputation for providing quality education to its students. The excellent school infrastructure is accentuated by beautiful landscaping, manicured lawns, and well-maintained games and sports Astroturf fields.

U.P.S. is an English medium, CBSE & RBSE School in Jaipur, co-educational school with two R.B.S.E. and one C.B.S.E. affiliated branches having a garland of eminent educationalists, bureaucrats, technocrats, intellectuals, and prominent professionals as members of the management committee and the advisory board.

A school is a place where a child grows, physically and in the knowledge no doubt, but most importantly in curiosity, courage, confidence, independence, patience, resourcefulness, resilience, and understanding.


To impart integral education, to all, irrespective of caste, creed and colour; in an atmosphere of purity, efficiency, discipline and fraternity with special emphasis on moral and spiritual values and character building rooted in Indian culture.

Purpose and Values

“Light to Enlighten” is the motto of the school. If students are the harbingers of change and trend; prevalent culture guides and influence the present temperament, so are the students to be enlightened with the modern and progressive ideas, skills, tools and information to fit themselves in the world of immediate needs, instant gratification and information.

  • To ensure all-round development of integrated personality through efficient education under the guidance of highly dedicated and competent teachers.
  • To provide training in leadership and experience in self-governance through a perfect system.
  • To promote the creative potential of children through art, dance, music, and other forms of performing arts.
  • To promote national integration and foster international understanding and brotherhood.
  • To instill among learners an awareness for maintaining environmental purity and ecological harmony.
  • To improve self-confidence and creativity through participation and involvement in co-curricular activities.